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Lesson Plans & Ideas
Learning Mathematics by Doing

Learning Mathematics by Doing

November 13, 2014

SWC Foundation students of Mathematics went out of classrooms to do a hands-on activity near the fountain pool inside the college campus. This experience came in alignment with the HCT philosophy of Learning by Doing. The aim was to reinforce the learned knowledge through a practical application.

The students were split into groups and each group was assigned a task to accomplish.

The purpose of the activity was to:

1- Find the volume of the pool (Cylinder)

2- Find the time to completely fill in the pool with water

I explained the theoretical background of the related mathematical concepts to the students, and what they had to do in the activity.

Each group took the necessary measurements, and then made calculations that would yield the required answers. The results were remarkable and valid. The students’ attitude was a mixture of seriousness toward the completion of the task, and excitement about the idea of going out of class room to do a hands-on activity.

At the end of the activity, many students expressed their appreciation, and one of them said: “…That was a great experience. I can say now that, with the help and support from my teacher, I do understand the concept of volume much better than before, and it is not an abstract concept anymore..”

Akram Baddoura

Mathematics Faculty-SWC

LBD Math

November 13, 2014
Lesson Plans & Ideas
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